I got my transmitter back from graupner yesterday. Apparently the programming switches had been damaged by condensation caused by keeping it in the garage. Seems a bit wierd cos my garage is insulated and heated. Maybe other half has run the tumble drier with vent hose off.
Also received a 4.8V, 2200mA/hr NiMH flatpack receiver battery to power the bow thruster motor. The wires fitted are too thin to carry 4Amps so I opened it up and soldered 5A wires to the terminals and left the original wires in place for charging. Made up some futaba plugs and connected power pack to thruster circuit.
Programmed transmitter (graupner MC-12) for model no. 2- azi and model type AC which keeps all channels totally separate with no mixing. Switched everything on and set up channels 2 and 4 as stbd and port rudders respectively. Adjusted trim electronically for midships helm and adjusted limits also on the computer. Reversed servo directions an steering is sorted. Next I programmed the esc.s for stop and full power. So all ready for the lake on Sunday.
Every one up there keeps telling me about the aziz that sank cos the main hatch leaked so I have carefully sealed the edges with silcone. Trouble is that the hatch warped when the wooden sheathing was fitted. I stiffened hatch underneath with mahogany strips but can't do it properly due to the main hull crossbeam getting in the way so it still bends in the middle. To cure this I fitted a plastic clip under the hatch in way of said beam and similar to the aft clip. This holds the center down but causes the ford end to stick up and break the seal. All I could think of doing was fitting a screw through the ford end into the ford crossbeam. This seems to have done the trick. Have ordered two model 20' containers which I will glue to the hatch which should stiffen it in the center.
Very much looking forward to her maiden voyage Sunday on Llyn Padarn. Hopefully someone will have a decent video camera and will put it on YouTube for me.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
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